This comedy film with hi-level visual effects was Chris Wilson first live action film, he produced, wrote and directed along with Tim Feeney and raised the bar on the local indie-film industry with his great visual effects work which adds an epic spice to well written, laugh out loud funny short film about a chronic escapee mental patient who just happens to think he is a super hero.
James vs Reality has been accepted to 30US and International Film Festivals where its has WON DRAGONCON 2011, WON BEST COMEDIC SHORT – DIY Film Festival – Los Angeles CA, WON BEST COMEDY at The Angelenos in Los Angeles 2012. and WON THE AWARD OF EXCELLENCE at the Accolade Film Competition –San Diego, CA among many other awards.
James vs Reality has been accepted to 30US and International Film Festivals where its has WON DRAGONCON 2011, WON BEST COMEDIC SHORT – DIY Film Festival – Los Angeles CA, WON BEST COMEDY at The Angelenos in Los Angeles 2012. and WON THE AWARD OF EXCELLENCE at the Accolade Film Competition –San Diego, CA among many other awards.